How to permanently Activate Windows 10 free with CMD?

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Want to activate windows 10 for free with the help of CMD or if you are looking for how to activate windows 10 without key and with CMD then you are at the right place as here in this blog you will get all the information you need about it. 

Steps to activate Windows 10 with CMD 

  1. To begin to activate windows 10 for free you need to press windows and R key together and then you can press ctrl + shift with enter. 

  2. Now you will enter windows 10 after which you have to copy and paste the command which is given there so that you can click on enter to execute the command. 

  3. Now copy another command and then click on the enter button and at last paste it and again hit enter to activate the windows 10 for free. 

These steps will solve your problem of how to activate windows 10 with CMD without key and also use it when you want to. We hope that the information was helpful for you and you gained the most out of it by using it. You can anytime refer to this article anytime you want so that you can use these steps to activate windows when you want to.

Read Next: How to Install Windows 10

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