How Do I Create a New AOL Email Address?

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Would you like to know how you can create a new AOL email address? I think it's a good question to ask because now, more than ever, people are connected to technology. It's not easy to imagine life without using your cell phone and the internet. Both of these have become extremely important in our daily lives, but there is one more thing that is just as important to most computer users today: their email addresses. 

How to Create an AOL Mail Account?

AOL Mail is a free email service that provides its users with access to the latest headlines and local weather information. It also allows users to access their email accounts from any computer in the world. The service was launched in 1993 by America Online and quickly became one of the most popular email services. If you do not have an email account, it is not too late to sign up! All you need is your first and last name, date of birth, gender, country, and zip code. Here are the simple steps you can follow to create your free AOL account:

1. Go to

2. Now, click on the “Sign Up for Free” button at the top right-hand corner of the screen.

3. Enter your information in the fields provided, then click “Continue” at the bottom of the page.

4. Enter your mobile phone number on the next page, then click “Verify Number” below that; you will receive a text message with a verification code shortly thereafter.

5. Enter that verification code in the text field provided on this page, then click “Continue” at the bottom of it; doing so will take you to a page of AOL mail.

Now you can enjoy the benefits of AOL Service

How To Login to AOL Mail?

Logging in to aol com email Using Username and Password

If you know your username and password, then this method is very easy and simple. All you require to do is follow the instructions given below:

  • Open up your browser and go to

  • Type in your username and click next and in the next window type your password in the text field and click login.

Read Also: How Can I Access my Verizon AOL Email?

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